Why do Box of Books conduct reconciliations?
To allow new and additional students to access School resources seamlessly licenses are automatically allocated based on student access. Box of Books conducts a reconciliation process throughout the year to capture any additional usage.
What is included in the reconciliation invoice?
The following scenarios are captured in the reconciliation invoice;
a) Your School has purchased a digital license and has gone over the amount of allocations purchased
b) Your School has retained a text from the previous year and new students to the school or subject have commenced and require access to these texts
c) Your School has purchased a quantity of print digital texts, any additional students above this quantity have been given access to the digital text
When does the reconciliation occur?
The reconciliation occurs multiple times throughout the year
End of term 1 - captures the balance of additional students after subject changes are no longer allowed
Start of term 3 - captures new students who have enrolled at the school or changed into new subjects
End of term 4 - captures the balance of all new students and provides a final reconciliation position for the year including credits.
Are credits included in the reconciliation?
Yes, credits are included in the reconciliation process. However, to maximise the time students are able to access the resources credits are created at the end of term 4 to ensure all students can access their required resources throughout the school year.
Why aren’t credits created at the same time?
Due to the nature of the resources being allocated to new students to the school or subject credits are created later in the school year to maintain the ease of accessibility for new students to access their required content.
Are subject changes allowed free of charge?
For digital resources, subject changes are allowed free of charge up until the end of February each year. This allows additional time for the peak period for subject changes that typically occur within a school. After this point, Box of Books is required to pay our Publishers and content providers for the use of these resources and therefore students who change subjects or leave the school will still be charged for the use of the digital resources.
How do I get more information about the invoice I have received?
The invoice will summarise each item and the additional quantity required to be purchased. The number of students who have been allocated these resources is based off the subject data provided by your school as at the end of February.
a) For schools with a SIS integration or subject integration through SSO - this data is automatically synchronised to minimise any manual work required
b) For schools without an subject synchronisation - students are manually added and removed from subjects as required. (removal ceases as at the end of February each year)
What happens when students leave the school?
As with subject changes, up until the end of February you will not be charged if a student leaves the school, however after this point Box of Books is required to pay our Publishers and content providers for the use of these resources and therefore students who leave the school will still be charged for the use of the digital resources.