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How to Order - Edutexts
How to Order - Edutexts

A step by step guide on how to order from our online store

Prue Thomas avatar
Written by Prue Thomas
Updated over 7 months ago

If you are interested in ordering digital texts that are available almost immediately after purchase, is the shop for you.

With publishers including Get Smart Education, IBID Press, Mathematical Association of NSW, Medired Australia, Mintjens Press, Parramatta Education Centre and Social Education Victoria, there is a wide variety of choices.


Accessing Edutexts

To access Edutexts, please head to You will be navigated to the home page where you will see the following screen.

Selecting Products

There are two methods of selecting products. These are:

  1. Using the "Bookshop" in the top menu bar

  2. Using the search function in the top right to search by title, ISBN, publisher etc

Browsing the Book Shop of a Certain Publisher

  1. Click on the "Book Shop" dropdown in the top menu bar

  2. Once clicked, a drop down menu will appear. If you'd like to to browse by publisher, select the publisher you are interested in. If not, you can also choose to browse all, by clicking "All Products"

  3. Once clicking on a certain publisher you will be navigated to their page with all the relevant products. Here, you will be able to sort and filter the products.

  4. Once you have found the product you desire, click on it.

Searching a Specific Publisher, ISBN, Title

Alternatively, you can search by a specific text, ISBN, title or publisher using our search function.

  1. Click on the search icon in the top right of the home screen

  2. Enter any key words, numbers or characters to search for the text you require. Some suggestions may appear.

  3. Press enter or the search icon to confirm the search and all the possible results will appear

  4. Click on the product you desire

Adding to Cart

  1. For some products, you will be required to choose a lease period. After doing so you can add to cart.

  2. Once added, a pop up on the right will appear and confirm this.

    Note: only a maximum of one of each product can be added to your order. This is because each order is assigned to an email and it would be redundant to have two of the same texts linked to one account. If you add more than one of the same text to your cart, the following pop up will appear and you will be required to remove and edit your cart prior to checking out.

  3. Repeat these steps if you'd like to purchase more products.

Editing Cart and Entering End User Details

Once you have added all your items to the cart, you will need to ensure the cart can be checked out.

Editing Cart and Removing Products

You may need to edit your cart for a range of reasons such as not requiring a product anymore of having more than one of the same product.

  1. To edit you cart you can do so by using the arrows to change the quantity or by highlighting the number and changing it

  2. If you would like to completely remove a product, you are able to use the "Remove" button

  3. Once you only have a maximum of one of each product, you will need to enter your user details

Entering End User Details

  1. You will need to enter your first name, last name and email that you would like your texts/account linked to. These details must reflect the person who will be accessing the text. Ie if you are ordering the resource on behalf of someone else, please ensure you are not entering your own details and enter the details of the person you are ordering for.

    If you are an existing customer, please enter your existing user details for the account you currently use. If you are a new customer, it is preferable to enter your school email however not compulsory.

  2. You will also be prompted to enter your school however this is optional

  3. Once you have entered your details, you will be able to continue to checkout by clicking checkout

Completing Check Out and Payment

  1. At Checkout you will be prompted to enter your email and billing address. After successfully entering all details, you can "Continue to Payment" in the green

  2. Here you will be prompted to enter your payment details. Once entered, press "Pay now" to place and purchase your order

Order Confirmation

Upon purchase, you will receive an order confirmation email that includes an order summary and proof of purchase.

We will work behind the scenes to fulfil your order within 24 business hours of purchase. Once fulfilled, an order fulfilment email will be sent to you with information on how to access your digital texts.

Contact Us

If you require any assistance throughout the process, please reach out using our in-app support at the bottom right side of the screen as indicated below.

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